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At the end of each module students will receive grades depending on the contribution, enthusiasm and motivation, contribution to the class, attendance and delays throughout the training period or rehearsals. Following this grading process, the student will access a higher module, will stagnate at the current level or will be demoted to the lower stages of preparation. The grades will consist of separate grades for each discipline with its subdivisions, which together will total the final grade. The student will receive by e-mail a detailed and motivated list of grades and his / her course during the freshly completed mode.


B, B-: Between very good and good. Well prepared. Seeking to evolve. Good performance. It shows an interesting growth over the 12 weeks. He repeatedly contributes to class study and is a good teammate. Punctual. He has a good presence but no more than four unmotivated absences.

A, A-: Excellent. Always ready. Highest class contribution. Extremely motivated and ready to try new things. Ready to break down barriers. Active, denotes a significant increase at the end of the module. Punctual. Immaculate presence.

D, D-: Unacceptable to acceptable. Mediocre. Make no effort. He often comes unprepared and does not show interest. Almost insignificant growth. Negative attitude and moments of lack of fair play towards colleagues. It is often late and not present. He has no more than 10 absentees.


F: Unacceptable. Very rarely prepared. Lack of interest in improving. It does not contribute, mostly negative to the academy and to colleagues. He has no more than 16 absences. In this case, at the end of the module, a formal discussion will be organized with the student in which both parties will realize if it is in the interest of one of them that he continue his training within the school.


C, C-: Acceptable to good. Generally ready. Contribute from time to time but without standing out too much. It is not always present and occasionally late. He has no more than six absences.

Theater and film cannot be done alone. That is why being present and punctual is essential, it is a sign of courtesy for colleagues and the public and a proof of respect for the profession. Absences will be motivated by a request sent by e-mail to the school before the start of the course in question and are accepted only if they fall within the scope of work in the industry (eg filming, rehearsals, photoshooting)


Two absences will decrease the final grade by one point (eg From A to A-)


Four absences will decrease the final grade by one letter, and each other four by one more letter.


Two delays will be noted as an absence.


In case of absences from rehearsals or performances each event will reduce the final grade by one point.

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